Top Food Blogs

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Papad  paratha  wow ! what  is  this  are  you  thinking  like  this  . Ya ! me too when I heard  this word when I  ate  this for  my  first  time . I told  that  all  my  friends  are  Rajasthanies  / Marwadies  , so  my  child hood  mostly  went  by tasting  their  food  mostly  other than  our  Andhra  recipes .  

This is  papad  paratha  learnt  from  my  friend .

Ingredients = 

  • For  dough - 
  1. Wheat flour - 1 glass
  2. Oil - 1 tsp
  3. salt  to  taste 
  • For  papad  filling - 
  1. Papad - 2 {deep fried  and  crushed}
  2. Onion - 1 {finely  chopped}
  3. Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
  4. Salt 
  5. Butter - 1/2  tsp
  6. Cilantro / coriander - 1/2 cup {wash and  finely chop}
  • Ghee / Butter for  frying 
Method for  preparation = 
  • First  we  prepare  dough , take  a mixing bowl  add all ingredients and  mix  with hands and  by using enough water keand the dough soft , and  cover  the  dough with muslin cloth and keep aside for 10 - 15 mint's .
By  the  time  we  prepare  filling 
  • Heat  butter in a pan and  saute  the  onion  till they become transparent 
  • Remove  from  flame  and  take  to a bowl  and  keep  aside 

  • Combine  the  sauted onions , crushed papad , chilli powder , chopped  cilantro and  salt  and  mix  lightly 


Now  the  filling  is  ready  so  lets  do  paratha - 

  • Prepare  equal  portions  of  balls  with  the  prepared  dough  &  take  one  portion of  dough  and Roll  out  the  dough into a circle to poori size  like  this .......... and  place  2 tsp  of  papad  filling  in  the  center of  the  dough  circle ................................
  • Bring  together all  the  sides in the center  and  seal  tightly {press  them  with  fingers}
  • Roll  out   again  into  a  circle   with  the  help  of   rolling  pin by  dusting  with dry  flour .
  • Fry / cook the  paratha  on   a tava  which  is  heated  before  only  while  rolling  paratha  .......... fry  the  paratha  using  little  butter  one  one  side  and  turn  to  other  side  and  add 1 tsp  butter  and fry  to  golden  color  and  serve  hot .

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